Saturday, February 12, 2011

1 month

... away from Latvia. I can "celebrate" such an "anniversary" today, February 8th. And I can say that it has been one of the most colorful and unforgettable months of my life! And it has literally flown by.
I've gotten used to the spooky night hours when I have to fall asleep accompanied by horse, donkey, dog, frog, bird, grasshopper and other animal created sounds. I've gotten a little used to my brothers  cockroaches who peek out of my closet or drawers quite regularly. Now I'm not just terrified by them but I also try to kill them... and sometimes I succeed :) Now I know, what's inside of them :D I'm not so surprised to literally be face to face with a horse, donkey or a donkey-horse, a  fat, furry pig momma, or a curious ayoreo as soon as I walk out of a building or turn around the corner :) I take easier the big furry spiders and gigantic warms... Time heals all the wounds :D Also mine :D
I understand what girls are saying to me better and better, although there are many, many things I still don't understand. But I have faith I will eventually! Velta said she started to speak Spanish normally after 4 months of being here. So, I've still got time! But I really want to be able to speak soon... I need to talk to these girls so much! But patience, patience and again patience! It's my Top 1 word now!
It was raining all they long today. And raining really hard. So the school was cancelled because no kid has an umbrella and they can't walk to school. So I didn't have to teach 4 English classes today. But I hang out with my chicas instead. I showed them my photo album from Latvia. They were so excited to see so many "white people" :D And it was even more exciting for me to listen to their comments! They were so surprised to see my home in Jelgava - they were surprised they people live in SUCH BIG houses (I have a two-storied house), then they were surprised how it's possible to have white snow on the ground, they were surprised to see the beach and Jelgava palace. Someone said I look fat in a picture. Other one asked if Agrita (Dreska) is my sister, they asked if Toms (Asnevics) is my father :D They asked if Toms (Svoks) is my son! (I love that they assumed I had a baby on the other side of the world I had left for 6 months :) ) They asked if Parsla is my twin because we look the same. They loved all the people who wore boots because they don't wear them. And almost all of them loved my brother Karlis and they said he's really good looking. And they couldn't recognize me in pictures I had curly hair. These and other unique comments came from their mouths in abundance! It's Tuesday night 7:46 PM and girls come to Velta's house to buy cookies and waffles, They're always, always hungry! Did I mention that ALWAYS? And they'll eat anything... But I can understand them actually  because their meals are very simple... So they spend all their coins for cookies... my lovely, brown girls...


  1. So great to read about all you are doing. Hugs and Kisses!

  2. You are certainly having an experience of a lifetime. I am so glad that you see what God has planned for you there. I will be praying for many opportunities for you to share the love of Jesus -- you are being His love to these girls already. Sent you a package last week -- no chocolate -- I was afraid it would melt!! SORRY!!! Hope it gets there okay! Love you and praying for you.
