Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oh, love, love...

You can see different love processes in nature lately. During the night a bull was calling a cow. She responded. He called her again... maybe he wanted her to come to him. The cow responded but didn't go to him. Then the bull called again... but at some point the cow stopped responding... and then the bull spent long hours suffering because his loved one didn't come to this night... at least it seemed like he had a sad voice. Then the dogs also have a "friendship" period. There is a dog gang as big as the wolf gang from Twilight :D There is a leader - Meninu who suddenly has become interested in all the dog girls of our courtyard.
Cats are also unusually active and watch each other and look for "contact"... I'm sorry for being so straight but even flies are busy reproducing!!! Butterflies fly around in big, colorful crowds... a spider hugged a cockroach... It's no surprise that the local youth is actively looking for communication with the opposite sex too if everything around you does it already!
One day Velta revealed some interesting things to me. Since there are still some bachelors in Rincon household who are not 20 anymore, but they haven't lost hope, some of them became very happy when they heard that a young Latvian lady Liene will come here. Before I came they had discussed who will get to "talk" to me first :D They don't look at age so critically as we sometimes do in Latvia... and the most interesting thing is that director Panfil considered to offer me one of her two sons who is still single to make sure I stay in Rincon. That's actually a huge compliment from her because she is very exacting! But the latest news are that this son has decided to get married. And not to me but to an asian girl :) So there are no "threats" to me.
And one more love story. One a young guy came to work to Rincon, a Latvian descendant from The States. He spoke Latvian and English only. A bit later came a girl from Brazil who spoke Spanish and Portuguese only. Despite the fact that they didn't speak each other's language it was love from the first sight. Velta says that everyone noticed that they immediately fell in love with each other. They communicated using different signs and signals... I'd call it the language of love :) And 2 months later they got married here in Rincon! The bride borrowed the wedding dress from a local woman. Soon they went to The States and there the girl learned English. Now they live there. A special story, isn't it? :)
Generally I'm doing really good. It's raining a lot lately. Therefore my feet are brown/red all the time. But that's OK. I have my own fancy bathroom. I can get rid of all the dirt easily. I keep hitting, squeezing and in other ways destroying my lively room visitors. Last night I killed a big, black beetle under a plastic bowl. And I smashed a cockroach on my window, and two others on the floor with my foot. Actually I'm really proud of myself that my skills are improving :D I can't kill spiders yet though. I'm a bit more scared of them...
I'm learning and learning Spanish. Don Fernando talked to some people and said he was surprised that I have learned so much Spanish so quickly. I think it's nothing there, but I can talk about everyday stuff with my girls. My friend Ondina told me today that soon I will teach a seminar on how to brush teeth for all the students. The problem is that they are eager to eat sweets but they are very lazy to brush their teeth. Yesterday I walked through their rooms, asked them to brush their teeth and then breathe on me to check if they have done so. Some breathed a Colgate breath on me, the others went towards the sink ashamed. That's how we try to discipline them.
My English students keep "challenging" me to try new methods and approaches. And then I look for them. There are students who try to parody my Spanish phrases I use when someone is biting their hand or washcloth... my favorite phrase in those moments is the local word "Ai, Caramba!" Locals use it when they need to say something stronger :) And it usually works! Oh well, my time is over. I really value time nowadays...
And I really value the time  you spend to write me something. It really gives joy and strength and helps me continue my work! Thank you!!!

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