Sunday, May 8, 2011


I want to tell you how happy I am to receive all the parcels and letters. When pastor returns from the outer world on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning then usually someone gives me a message that there is something for me I have to go get at pastor's house. I love that less than a minute long walk... it is an especially elated walk. When the parcel is in my hands then the walk to my home is twice as fast because I can't wait to see what's inside.
During these past two weeks I have had 5 big mail joys, I'm so thankful and happy for them! I received a very special parcel from America where my sister had packed many valuable things that church women had gathered. A big thank you to them - everything is VERY useful there! And a special thank you for the opportunity to hear the voices of my dear rings! I listened to them several times... Then I received a Valentine's day greeting that came to me "a little" long (2 months). Well - it's good that is came :) Thank you so much :) I received an unbelievably awesome, sweet and tasty box from Riga, from Stabu street girls on May 4 in honor of Latvia's Restoration of Independence day. Oh... my room feels like Laima chocolate factory now! And this parcel brought a lot of joy to my Latvian sisters as well. Ondina was so happy for Latvian hard candy. They have the real flavor :) Velta said - many, many thank you!
When I was doing the dishes on Wednesday morning pastor gave two more letters from Latvia through the kitchen window! Thank you to Dace and uncle Valdis!!! I loved that Valdis' letter had come through Mexico! A little detour that took a long time... but it finally came.
It is a special joy and excitement when something comes in the mail... something like a mix of Christmas and Birthday... times 10! Big thank you to all senders!

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