Where I’m going you’ll ask? Nowhere. I’m still here - in the little village of Rincon in the middle of Bolivian jungle. But I have a feeling that I’m going along a long, long road in a big and stable car. Through one window you can see what one Latvian rapper once said: “Pole, pole, tree, tree, pole, pole, tree, tree... or something like that. The point is that nothing changes, everything repeats... it’s the same way here. Alarm goes off at 5:40, breakfast is at 6:20, right after I have “forced” out of their rooms to the Bible class. They always have some problems in the morning - lost shoes or skirts, for example... the Bible and notebook they used a day ago can’t be found. Then I have to help them get ready and leave the dorms more or less on time. When there is time and demand I make their hair, too. Then there are daily chores - breakfast, cleaning up the kitchen, cooking for lunch or English classes, lunch, kitchen, afternoon nap, school or kitchen, dinner, kitchen, snack shop, helping with homework, shower, evening devotions, teeth check-up... I have to do the same things in the same order. With some exceptions... and those exceptions are what I see through the other window - nothing is the same there. Everything is colorful, bright, joyful, full of surprises and real happiness and gives joy. There are all those “extra” times when I afford to spend more time with girls - when we sing, draw, play a game, go for a walk to the nearby bamboo grow or pig court, count in English or in Latvian (they love it). On this bright side of there road are all walks with or without Ondina. There are all those special moments when Velta, Ondina and I sit down after lunch and have snacks and talk and laugh. When we have an unusual meal, some kind of a celebration, an unusual sunset, bright full moon, a girl’s grateful or excited smile or hug, a letter from outer world, a special conversation, a good dream...
Everything reminds me of a normal family life - there is a daily routine, there are some joys. There are duties and surprises. There is responsibilities and rights. There are joys and sorrows. It’s easy and hard. There are mountaintops and valleys. There is laughter and tears. There is hurry and leisurely moments. Like we all have, don’t we? But the best thing is that the driver of my life never changes. It’s always stable, trustworthy, purpose driven, caring and completely safe. My Heavenly Father is always driving and he doesn’t let me off road :)
Big thank you to God for that!
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