Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Quarter of a year in South America

That's exactly how long I have been away from Latvia. I don't know if it's a lot or not... I had sitting alone at my lunch table. Literature teacher Luis Bautista sat at the other table and upon seeing my look he asked if I miss home. Maybe he saw a quiet message in my eyes with his literary soul. But I have to thank God that I don't swim in tears every night which theoretically could happen taking into account the fact that I'm so far from Latvia, family, friends and everything that's dear to me there... God really strengthens me and lets me feel like home here. Of course, I'm not saying that I don't miss home. Of course I miss it. But helps me and makes there longings bearable. And it's very important to me as a girl :)
I wanted to send a message to all Latvians who still want to send me a parcel - you have to send them out in April because the things you have sent me come to me were slowly. They come so slowly that I have received only one letter from Latvia but I have received messages that many more letters and parcels had been mailed along time ago. Since I will be in Rincon until the end of June (approximately June 20-ish) you have to mail everything until the end of April so I can receive it while I'm still here. It would be very dumb if these things arrived when I'm already gone. Parcels from The USA arrived faster, from Brazil and Belgium, too... by the way :)
I haven't mentioned that I have visited her office two times as a patient. A pice of my tooth broke off when I ate some meat and bit a piece of bone. Ondina showed me all the professionalism :) And my tooth is like newborn. I had never been in a dentist's office with a camera in my hand :D I had always been afraid of those tooth pullers. But now I have  dentist/friend :)
It's interesting that live forces you to learn not only now to speak and sing in Spanish but how to rebuke, too. Girls sometimes do such things that I have to raise my tone. Sometimes they don't hear words in a normal tone and volume. I have learned how to rebuke in Spanish. Then girls have surprised eyes that Profe Liene can talk like that. Then they behave better... until the next time. They have something in them that wants to experiment how far they can go outside the set boundaries. Then I have to turn them back within the boundaries. as it is said in the Bible - we should rebuke the youngest :) So I do it with all my heart. Interesting things happen at night when the lights go out. When the doors open and I catch them them by surprise there they always say they're going to the bathroom :) I wonder why that bathroom usually turns out to be another girls' room :D Little cheaters. They try to be very good... but I think there is a rebellious spirit in their blood. Please pray that Velta and I and secretary Sharon who lives here can be both friends and good leaders, live examples, encouragers and everything else they need to them. And most of all pray that new people would come to manage girl's dorms next year. Maybe God is calling YOU to this exciting ministry? A little job advertisement :D We are looking for Girls' dorm manager. We offer - stable housing, regular meals, company of 60 girls who can wonderfully sing, color, laugh, talk, play, help etc... Work hours: 24/7. Remuneration: a huge crown in Heaven :) However, an emotional satisfaction and joy already here on Earth :) We ask that persons interested in this position would not call because you can't call us. Write emails! They work pretty well! :)
I'm sending greetings from the bottom of my heart to all my loved ones... I'm looking at Latvia pictures, reread letters, try to imagine what is going on and what it looks like there...
I had to open a letter from Liene Viskupaite on April 7. She had written that I have to read it under a palm tree. So I went to Rincon cemetery during the lunch break because there is a nice palm. I sat on the enge of a grave stone and read the letter, sun was shining brightly. Liene - if you're reading my blog - HUGE thank you for your letter! It was exactly what I needed to hear :)
And may God bless you mission trip to the far away land where you are now!

1) I together with girls during evening teeth check up. I'm holding the youngest one - Rosita!
2) A picture from a wonderful afternoon when I poured some water on girls while I took the picture... And they quickly got the lesson - I got some water behind my clothes too.
3) With a letter I received from Agrita! This big and even bigger is my joy when somethings arrives in the mail! And I guess I'm a little tanned... good that I had time to upload these pictures...

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