Monday, April 25, 2011

Good Friday

I got to use the internet unexpectedly today. I wanted to quickly wish you happy Easter! THE LORD IS RISEN! We will have a Sunday service at 5:30 in the morning!
Today during the service teacher Erlin with high school boys showed a hight quality show about Jesus trial and crucifixion... so genuine, so real and so special...
Last night there was our usual Thursday missionary meeting where I had to speak. And I had prepared a 10 minute speech and I delivered the speech in Spanish. I prayed that God would speak through me because I really wanted to share some important things that were on my heart... and I managed to tell them! I made special apple empanadas. I bought the apples in Brazil. They are very rare here. I made delicious pasties with apples, raisins and cinnamon. I’ll make some in Latvia, too! They’re very delicious!
Last night a lizard walked on my pillow... she had never gotten so close to me. Weird feeling...
I received a package from my parents on Wednesday. Oh how delicious and good everything was there... even though it came for 2 months... everything was still good and this definitely was the joy of my day week!!! And I received a letter from Sandra - a huge happiness...
But yes, better don’t send me anything from Latvia... it might not come in time... if you send from The States it’s OK :)
Life goes on. And I’m going with it!
A lot of work and even more blessings! And I will be back in Latvia in three months!

One more week in horse speed

That’s how fast the time is flying by. You blink an eye and the day is gone... today was the same (April 19). It’s been 3 months since I arrived in Rincon and I’ve been away from Latvia for 3,5 months. Of course, of course I miss home. Sometimes I salivate thinking about a tasty Latvian food. Sometimes I miss someone to death, or a hug, or a shoulder, a conversation, an event in Latvia. I’m love to take a bath, wash my clothes in a washing machine, go to cinema or theater, I’d love to skype, call, chat with someone.. But you know - you can live without all those things when you don’t have other options! And I don’t have... And it builds up my character! There are some brave people who practice for marathon in Latvia (don’t they? :) ) But I train my character every day... and I’m very grateful to God for that. Although this gratitude doesn’t always come with shout of excitement. I can tell you honestly. But my gratitude is always genuine.
What has happened this week? Ondina and I went for a walk through Ayoreo villages last Sunday. We walked along clay and mud houses with straw roofs, across small rain created streams in the lower parts of the road where local women washed clothes or their children, passed thinner or thicker jungle parts. We walked to Rincon gates, where is a shop. I bought candles and waffles Ondina and I ate on our way home. A giant tarantula visited my bathroom this week and crawled down the wall... it seemed he’s coming my direction but luckily during the night he disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.
One day pastor Samuel had to go to court to get legal rights to keep a tractor the mission had bought. Bolivian policeman confiscated it when they took the tractor to Rincon. The police had suspicions that something illegal is going on. We prayed and after 2 years of waiting they allowed the mission to get back their tractor. Theoretically at least :)
Fall is coming here. Seriously! Few mornings ago at 3 or 4 AM I felt like I need a blanket and I wore a cardigan when I had my breakfast! It’s something VERY rare. Some leaves are falling... and it’s not +39C anymore, it’s just +30C, +33C, +35C... sometimes it’s only +25C. One morning was the coldest - only +17C! But it’s hot again today. I have given Velta 2 computer classes. She is a very good student! I got lice! I was so happy I had escaped those insects for such a long time almost every girl has here. But I got them. I treated them with a really smelly poison and then washed them out with laundry soap :) I smelled a bit. But my head is clean now. A new building is being built in Rincon. There will be snack shop, school supply shop, and mission office. First trimester of school is over and we have to give grades to students. Therefore I had to work more with students who have lower grades. I remember how we begged the teachers to give us better grades... now I was surrounded with many hopeful and some desperate eyes. This Sunday I managed to connect my video camera with the TV and girls and I had a movie time with popcorn that Helena send from Nova Odessa. Big thank you! Popcorn was gone immediately. I’m very happy for this afternoon - girls very really excited to see my videos. I showed them last moments from Riga airport, my beautiful week in Brazil etc. It was interesting for myself to remember all these events :) Ondina and I hit a papaya palm with  stick and we got a papaya - it was so delicious!!! There was Palm Sunday, it was literally Palm Sunday, the church was decorated with real jungle palm leaves! What a beauty! A prayer for girls health was beautifully answered, she had a high fever one night and she was crying. We prayed that she would get better. An hour later she was able to get out of her bed and sit, and the very next day she went to school smiling. God also answered prayer for Velta’s back. One bone got misplaced one day. It’s unbelievable but the bone got back to it’s place itself. 
I recelved two fantactic letters from Latvia last week - this time big thank you goes to Anete K. and Liene P. - they gave me both emotional and gastronomical pleasure. Huge thank you! It took very long for these letters to arrive here based on the stamps but it’s good that they came. One night I was homesick... I missed Latvia and home so much... I cried... but then I pulled myself together and continued to go forward!
Doctors visited dorms the other day, they gave a shot. Girls made me get the shot too and now I have got a shot against tantum or something... I didn’t quite understand what it is but the nurse said I need it. OK. Now I’m imune to a local disease!
Everything is OK. I’m still in the right place and the right time. And at the end I want to quote Paul: God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus. And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight.“/Phil. 1:8,9/ Amen!

I continue to go

Where I’m going you’ll ask? Nowhere. I’m  still here - in the little village of Rincon in the middle of Bolivian jungle. But I have a feeling that I’m going along a long, long road in a big and stable car. Through one window you can see what one Latvian rapper once said: “Pole, pole, tree, tree, pole, pole, tree, tree... or something like that. The point is that nothing changes, everything repeats... it’s the same way here. Alarm goes off at 5:40, breakfast is at 6:20, right after I have “forced” out of their rooms to the Bible class. They always have some problems in the morning - lost shoes or skirts, for example... the Bible and notebook they used a day ago can’t be found. Then I have to help them get ready and leave the dorms more or less on time. When there is time and demand I make their hair, too. Then there are daily chores - breakfast, cleaning up the kitchen, cooking for lunch or English classes, lunch, kitchen, afternoon nap, school or kitchen, dinner, kitchen, snack shop, helping with homework, shower, evening devotions, teeth check-up... I have to do the same things in the same order. With some exceptions... and those exceptions are what I see through the other window - nothing is the same there. Everything is colorful, bright, joyful, full of surprises and real happiness and gives joy. There are all those “extra” times when I afford to spend more time with girls - when we sing, draw, play a game, go for a walk to the nearby bamboo grow or pig court, count in English or in Latvian (they love it). On this bright side of there road are all walks with or without Ondina. There are all those special moments when Velta, Ondina and I sit down after lunch and have snacks and talk and laugh. When we have an unusual meal, some kind of a celebration, an unusual sunset, bright full moon, a girl’s grateful or excited smile or hug, a letter from outer world, a special conversation, a good dream...
Everything reminds me of a normal family life - there is a daily routine, there are some joys. There are duties and surprises. There is responsibilities and rights. There are joys and sorrows. It’s easy and hard. There are mountaintops and valleys. There is laughter and tears. There is hurry and leisurely moments. Like we all have, don’t we? But the best thing is that the driver of my life never changes. It’s always stable, trustworthy, purpose driven, caring and completely safe. My Heavenly Father is always driving and he doesn’t let me off road :)
Big thank you to God for that!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Quarter of a year in South America

That's exactly how long I have been away from Latvia. I don't know if it's a lot or not... I had sitting alone at my lunch table. Literature teacher Luis Bautista sat at the other table and upon seeing my look he asked if I miss home. Maybe he saw a quiet message in my eyes with his literary soul. But I have to thank God that I don't swim in tears every night which theoretically could happen taking into account the fact that I'm so far from Latvia, family, friends and everything that's dear to me there... God really strengthens me and lets me feel like home here. Of course, I'm not saying that I don't miss home. Of course I miss it. But helps me and makes there longings bearable. And it's very important to me as a girl :)
I wanted to send a message to all Latvians who still want to send me a parcel - you have to send them out in April because the things you have sent me come to me were slowly. They come so slowly that I have received only one letter from Latvia but I have received messages that many more letters and parcels had been mailed along time ago. Since I will be in Rincon until the end of June (approximately June 20-ish) you have to mail everything until the end of April so I can receive it while I'm still here. It would be very dumb if these things arrived when I'm already gone. Parcels from The USA arrived faster, from Brazil and Belgium, too... by the way :)
I haven't mentioned that I have visited her office two times as a patient. A pice of my tooth broke off when I ate some meat and bit a piece of bone. Ondina showed me all the professionalism :) And my tooth is like newborn. I had never been in a dentist's office with a camera in my hand :D I had always been afraid of those tooth pullers. But now I have  dentist/friend :)
It's interesting that live forces you to learn not only now to speak and sing in Spanish but how to rebuke, too. Girls sometimes do such things that I have to raise my tone. Sometimes they don't hear words in a normal tone and volume. I have learned how to rebuke in Spanish. Then girls have surprised eyes that Profe Liene can talk like that. Then they behave better... until the next time. They have something in them that wants to experiment how far they can go outside the set boundaries. Then I have to turn them back within the boundaries. as it is said in the Bible - we should rebuke the youngest :) So I do it with all my heart. Interesting things happen at night when the lights go out. When the doors open and I catch them them by surprise there they always say they're going to the bathroom :) I wonder why that bathroom usually turns out to be another girls' room :D Little cheaters. They try to be very good... but I think there is a rebellious spirit in their blood. Please pray that Velta and I and secretary Sharon who lives here can be both friends and good leaders, live examples, encouragers and everything else they need to them. And most of all pray that new people would come to manage girl's dorms next year. Maybe God is calling YOU to this exciting ministry? A little job advertisement :D We are looking for Girls' dorm manager. We offer - stable housing, regular meals, company of 60 girls who can wonderfully sing, color, laugh, talk, play, help etc... Work hours: 24/7. Remuneration: a huge crown in Heaven :) However, an emotional satisfaction and joy already here on Earth :) We ask that persons interested in this position would not call because you can't call us. Write emails! They work pretty well! :)
I'm sending greetings from the bottom of my heart to all my loved ones... I'm looking at Latvia pictures, reread letters, try to imagine what is going on and what it looks like there...
I had to open a letter from Liene Viskupaite on April 7. She had written that I have to read it under a palm tree. So I went to Rincon cemetery during the lunch break because there is a nice palm. I sat on the enge of a grave stone and read the letter, sun was shining brightly. Liene - if you're reading my blog - HUGE thank you for your letter! It was exactly what I needed to hear :)
And may God bless you mission trip to the far away land where you are now!

1) I together with girls during evening teeth check up. I'm holding the youngest one - Rosita!
2) A picture from a wonderful afternoon when I poured some water on girls while I took the picture... And they quickly got the lesson - I got some water behind my clothes too.
3) With a letter I received from Agrita! This big and even bigger is my joy when somethings arrives in the mail! And I guess I'm a little tanned... good that I had time to upload these pictures...

An excellent day off

Oh, my dears, what a day I had yesterday (Tuesday, April 5th)! Since it was 90 days since I had entered Brazil I had to go to the border to officially leave Brazil and officially enter Bolivia with all the stamps. It meant that had to fly to Puerto Suarez with pastor as he flies there every Tuesday if nothing unexpected doesn't happen. It was raining a bit in the morning and thunder was roaring in the bight orange sky but we were able to go to the airfield shortly after 8 in the morning. Principal Panfila joined us because she had a ton of papers that needed to be taken to Education council of the region. Since Rincon school is not the only one under her supervision there are always a lot of papers. Rincon school has 9 branches - tiny schools somewhere deep in the jungle in this area. So Panfila has to take care of 10 schools!!!
Pastor usually has a VERY long shopping list and to do list. He has couple of hours in the outside world to do get everything Rincon household needs to "survive" for a week. That's why he has a lot of responsibilities.
I flew by the famous Rincon's avion (that's how they usually call the plane) for the first time. The little airplane turned out to be a lot smaller than I thought it would be. Panfila and Samuel pushed it our of garage so easily like it was a bicycle. We quickly threw in some bags and took off. Pastor operated the plane just as easy as he would a regular electronic appliance. I was in wonder how easy it all looked. Panfila was steering the plane at one point (there are two steering wheels in the front) and she created some fun moments in the sky by turning and shaking us a little bit. She's an excellent pilot, too.
We flew right under the clouds and under us - jungle, jungle, jungle... some water and again jungle, jungle, jungle... When you live in Rincon court it seems that you're not really in the jungle because we have all the critically important amenities. But when you see that you're indeed in the middle of nowhere that you start to think about life differently... it helps you appreciate how CRITICALLY important Rincon mission is for this area which is nothing but jungle, jungle, jungle but at the same time there are many people who need to hear the message of Christ, education, medical and other help. Again, huge thanks to God for Rincon mission!
When we approached the airport, I felt something unusual and surprising. It even scared me a little bit - my phone beeped! I couldn't believe - I got phone coverage already there in the air :) How happy I was! I could read a couple of nice messages from Latvia and quickly answer while I was still in the clouds.
We landed in Puerto Suarez airport, pastor found his car he had left there and we went to downtown Puerto Suarez where he rushed to do some business while Panfila made uncountable copies and binded the documents. Then we went to Education council. A dark little office with icons and portraits of Bolivian historical heroes on the wall. Employees there gave me surprised looks and one men showed off his English skills by saying "Yes, yes. OK, OK." several times. While Janson couple took care of some paperwork I had a chance to walk along the coast of the fantastic Pantanala lake. Who would have imagined that there can be such a beautiful place in Puerto Suarez with a well kept park and a nice platform by the lake where you can sit and enjoy the view. Only couples walked there. No wonder - the atmosphere is so romantic there :) On the other side of the lake you could see mighty mountains, there were fluffy clouds in the sky and you could see that it's raining somewhere far away but sun was shining brightly above my head. And two very special phone calls and several texts from Latvia made this moment even more perfect :) It was so hard to believe that I really can communicate with home.
When they had finished all the paperwork we went to Brazil, to Corumba where pastor goes every week to get mail and mail what needs to be mailed. And he does his shopping there. While he was running errands and getting things from his shopping list he let Panfila and I walk in a girlier area where we could go to different shops. At first I didn't know how to behave in a shop :D But then I got used to the beautiful brightness and was able to by something for myself. Girls, you will really love my new earrings! :)
Panfila and I had an hour but since we didn't look at the watch when this hour began we were a little late... 40 minutes late :) But Panfila bought candy for Samuel and he forgave us! Then we went to eat. Oh, that was a celebration too because I could indulge myself with things I don't usually get. I had chicken!!! I think it was one of the tastiest chickens of my life! And I had some other things I hadn't had in a long time. We ate at a nice place where you could buy t-shirts with Pantanala lake symbols. And I have a new t-shirt now :) Panfila gave it to me. I hadn't been so excited about a new t-shirt in a long time :) I really appreciate every new thing now!
We bought some vegetables and other important food items. I bought a bag of apples - I will make apple empanadas :) We usually make these pies with cheese but I want to try them with apples. I bet they will be good!
Since time was coming quickly to an end we had to drive back to Bolivian border to stamp me out of the country. We didn't have any problems with that. They began when I wanted to get the Bolivian stamp which is also a visa. Panfila and I entered a very Bolivian office :D There were 3 tables, behind those tables sat 3 sweaty men whose shirts were unbuttoned too low. And the shirts really needed some ironing. Calendars and portraits of Bolivian historical heroes were raped on the walls. On some places there was only tape on the wall. The man who served us was very short with long nails. He was very surprised about my passport , he asked where is Latvia. And then he asked me a question that shocked me. Where is your Yellow fever document? OOPS!!!! Of course I have one but I had totally forgotten that I have it and that I might need it on the border... Panfila begged him to give us the stamp and she explained that I had forgotten it at home but the clerk was very stubborn. So we left the office with sad faces. It was almost 4:00 PM... we had to be back at Puerto Suarez airport at 5:00 PM to make it back to Rincon before it gets dark. And it wouldn't be good to return to Rincon without a Bolivian visa because I could go to the border again in  a week but then we would have problems because I;m no longer in Brazil but not yet in Bolivia. They would ask where had I been all this time and Jansons said they would put me in prison... but I believe they overexaggerated the part about prison... We needed a solution. Thank God pastor's and his wife's head works well. We quickly returned to downtown Puerto Suarez to an office where Samuel's acquaintance works and he makes all kinds of documents. Thanks to a nice conversation this man wrote a new Yellow fever document. I got a new last name there - Liene Latvijas :) He made a little mistake copying data from my passport... but it's OK, he fixed the mistake. But it was interesting that I received Yellow fever shots in August, 2008. He said it's because you can't have those shots too often... OK.
So Panfila and I quickly found a taxi that took us back to the border. In the meantime pastor did some more shopping in Puerto Suarez market. We were lucky that the taxi driver was a friend of our short clerk. He said he would help us if there were any problems. We walked back into the office. The little man carefully examined the document with his colleague, they turned and scratched it. He asked where I got it and how much I paid for it. The best question was - How come I got Yellow fever shot in Bolivia in 2008 but my passport doesn't show that I was in Bolivia at the time? A good question, isn't it? Thank God Panfila was with me and she asked them back: Couldn't she have changed her passport since then? Then little clerks looked at each other and said: Well, yes, it could be so... But it didn't seem they really believed us. I think it helped that our taxi driver was standing behind us and maybe he gave them a sign without words that we are their own people. Finally he let me fill out the form and put the important stamp in my passport that allows me to stay in Bolivia for 90 days! YES!! At the end the little man smiled and asked me what's my real name and where I actually come from.
Then we rushed back to Puerto Suarez market where pastor was still shopping. Spent some time in the local "supermarket". It was so interesting to see all the cups, plates, spoons, toilet paper, cookies and other items we use daily there. Now I know where they all come from. Three plump women with long, long, thick, thick braids sat in the middle of the supermarket. They bagged beans. All prices in the supermarket were written by hand with a marker. A good store! Our car was packed really full. I was under toilet paper :) We briefly stopped by pastor's house in Puerto Suarez to go to bathroom and take packages from parents who are sending some city goodies for their loved ones. And then we rushed to the airport. On our way there I was thinking we will never put all this stuff in the tiny airplane. But one of pastor's God's given gifts is the gift of packing. There was space for everything. Every inch was used. They made a seat for me on rice bags. We took off and flew above the jungle again. Sun was coloring the clouds in unusual shades and phone coverage soon left my cell phone... we landed in Rincon where cows were slowly walking across the airfield. It had been raining heavily during the day - it was all muddy. And mud is VERY muddy here!!! My dinner and Velta awaited me in the kitchen. Ondina joined us, she had received a parcel from Helena from Novo Odessa church. And there was a letter for me too! A big thank you to Helena for all the nice words and things! I will definitely respond!
When I returned to the dorms... oh... it felt like I had been away for a really long time because girls greeted me like they hadn't see me for a month. The little ones looked at me with big eyes and said: We cried during the day because we thought that you had left us and returned to Latvia. Girls hugged me very tightly. They asked what is the city like. Those who were supposed to have English that day said that it was sad without Profe Liene... my heart almost melted after this night... I love my 60 chicas so much! I told them that I can legally stay here until the end of june... and they all asked - and what then? When will I come back? I didn't know what to say... just the answer I always give them - as God wills...
This Tuesday flew by so quickly. Thanks to God that I got the visa. I guess my dream and Panfila's promise will come true now to take me to the city of Santa Cruz! I need a visa to go there. And now I have one :) I'm really looking forward to our trip!
On our way home Panfila gave me a clue: for all this visa hassle I should change my ticket and stay here until the end of school year... I knew she was just kidding. But there is a piece of truth in every joke. And it seemed like there was a lot of truth in this one...
Thanks to God that the mission has an airplane and  such a wise, talented, humble and caring pastor who runs like the wind to provide everything for the mission.Pray that Rincon's airplane will last long and Samuel will have enough strength, endurance and energy to continue to take care of all purchases and other 8347 duties! I will definitely write more about him :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturday's darkness and Sunday's light

Last Saturday was very dark because it rained all the time. And when I said it rained I didn't mean the sprinkling kind of rain. When it rains here everything gets wet in a second and stays that way for a long time. And when it rains, it gets very dark. I went to kitchen after siesta and looked into one of the girls' rooms. And it was such a sad view... all girls sit there with sad faces. There was supposed to be a parents' meeting today when girls could see their parents but it was canceled due to the rain. Girls were really sad about that and the darkness and wetness deepened the sadness. They saw me and I could see it in their eyes they were begging me to enlighten them somehow! They explained why they are so sad and then they told me they would like to listen to some music. I really understand them. It's hard to stay in good mood in days like these. So I found Velta, got her permission to take her cassette player that runs on batteries and played some Spanish music for girls. They were so excited and started to smile! The jumped out of their beds and ran to me, hugged and thanked me and sat around the table. There was a paper with lyrics and the first one who got this paper sang along all the songs. I couldn't leave this happy place and started to braid their hair, we talked and laughed... and it felt like the room is full of light, even though it had actually become darker outside. And this was one of the moments I would like to put in a little golden frame and add to the gallery of my favorite moments. Girls are so thirsty for love, friendship and time spent together. It's so hard for them to be away from parents and families so long. And Velta doesn't have enough time to spend time with each one of them. So I'm glad that I can find time to be with them. This time has great value!
However the next day - Sunday was full of sunshine even though dangerous looking clouds were walking around. Ondina said that the weather is unpredictable and dangerous but we risked and went on a Sunday walk. We went to the local dam that I had not seen yet. We walked though nice mud, a meadow full of thistles, a cow herd and reached a bamboo and eucalyptus grove. There was a really wonderful view to the so called dam, I wanted to call it a lake. It seemed that we have found the small version of heaven. Under the bamboos were refreshed by a nice breeze that rustled the bamboo leaves and gently pounded their trunks. The water mirrored cumulus clouds. There were some islands in the lake, a million lilies bloomed there and completely peaceful long legged water birds stood there. Horses were walking on the other side of the lake though the jungle. Some tall palms stood there, too. There was a waterfall a bit further. Usually it's just a small brook coming out of the dam but since it had rained so heavy a day before this small brook had grown about 4 times bigger and made quite a view. Ondina and I sat down on a big bamboo trunk that had fallen down and simply enjoyed everything that was around us. What an idyll... it would be my number 1 place where I would take you if you came to visit me. Then we went to another side where Rincon's cows and bulls gave us suspicious looks and sounds. We came to a palm alley that grew into a palm forest. Combined with the mountains in the background and the excellent clouds it made one wonderful view. You just want to praise God in moments like these! When we returned to Rincon's court we saw something special. Velta had found some time to sit down with girls just to be with them. You could hear Bolivian music, Velta was holding an encyclopedia on her lap and a group of girls listened to the information read by Velta with a genuine interest. After each fact you could hear a nice or sometimes funny comment or question. Some were sitting there and sucking the mate tea, others were fixing each other's hair and looking for bugs... and I walked up to them and felt such a beautiful peace, a cloud of comfort. The girls were happy, so was Velta. And I too, of course! This Sunday's light gave me such a nice sleep. I hadn't had it for a long time. I thing I fell asleep in a second and didn't wake up during the night which is very rare!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ondina's birthday

Oops, I don't have time to write down everything that's been going on anymore. I apologize that I'm not very regular in my messages but I do everything I can!
Ondina's birthday was a week ago but now I finally have time to sit down and write about it. So the first thing in the morning was to give some Latvian treats to my friend. She was very happy. One of her first questions that day was to Velta: When will they give her birthday cake? She wanted to know that because when the birthday person is cutting the cake other pour water on him or her. Velta didn't tell her. when Ondina went to her dentist's office  I started to make her a chocolate cake! I finished it in the afternoon and was very happy that I was able to make the cake by myself starting from the dough till the icing :) To Ondina's surprise we didn't greet her during lunch even though she had prepared for it and changed clothes she's  ok to get wet in. Even though she didn't get the cake yet, the main water pourer secretary Sharon gave her the first birthday "shower". While they were pouring water on Ondina, a boy rode by on a donkey. Velta called me to see and film the beautiful view. The donkey was small and slow, the boy was tall and his legs almost dragged on the ground. He was very kind and let me not only take a video but also ride the donkey myself. The donkey was very patient, didn't mind my clumsiness :D But he was so slow! He moves forward only if you ask him very kindly. Pastor brought Velta the mail he had picked up the day before. There were some things for me too. I received a parcel from Bazil - from Zanda and Thiago. They sent me a book "Kite runner" and some goodies for my body too. When I started to read the book, it was hard to put it aside and leave the room... Huge Thank you, dears!!! And the other thing I received was my first letter from Latvia, from my dear Svoks. Mom, dad and brother Karlis had written a page each. I was so happy to read it I cried right there in the kitchen. I read it and felt like I was in Latvia a little... Thank you dears!
We finally gave Ondina the cake in the evening and she got another birthday "shower". She was completely wet but happy because everyone had come together for dinner at the same time. Usually we all have only Sunday lunch together, but today everyone came together. Our everyday metal cups were exchanged for glasses. And we had a special drink - local coke with a lot of bubbles. We sang "Compleaños feliz", "showered" Ondina, prayed for her, hugged her and gave kisses. We ate a special birthday meal - lasagna (yuummmmmm) and then was the cake. I love when they have special occasions in Rincon. And I love even more that the birthday girl was so excited. We sat there at the table when everyone else had gone already, ate the last pieces of the cake and she was simply so happy. It is so beautiful! Ondinas joy is definitely contagious :)
After that I had to take cake of the dirty dishes, of course, sell cookies, check teeth and feet of my chicas... and when the lights went out I had such a good feeling. It was one of those days when you know that it was worth to go to the other side of the world :)

My awesome chiquitas

I've been living with unique, wonderful, beautiful, funny, loud, creative and simply amazing Bolivian girls for more than two months. If someone is still wondering why I always call them chicas then it's because a girl in Spanish is chica. And you hear and use that word here all the time, I'm having a hard time calling them anything but chicas :)
Now I can say that I finally know their names. I'll admit I still mess up sometimes but it's a lot better than in the beginning, when all of them looked the same to me and their names was a mystery. Some of them have normal names such as Margarita, Karolina, Mikaela, Katerine, Erika, Marta, Klara. I learned those quickly. It was harder with names like Flor-Delicia, Anair, Sileya, Hulda-Dalet, Gigliola, Nigdaleny, Aracely, Abisag-Sunamita, Isely-Yuleny, Franziely, Yarelin, Candida, Maralila, Genny-Paola, Bebelin, Consuelo, Edna Len. I really like my curly friend's name Lady Laura :) That's what everyone calls her - sounds so beautiful. And one VERY beautiful girl is called Segunda Isabela. The most interesting part is that "segunda" means "the second". My first question was - Is it because you're the second daughter of your family? :D But no - that's not the reason for her name. She got her name because her grandmother was also called Segunda.
While I'm still talking about names, I'll mention some boy's names: Tito-Israel, Diego-Jesus, Fran-Antonio, Roy-Cirilo, Alan-Jair, Osuin-Rudy, Romel, Jose Raul, Anderley, Edson-Luis etc. Beautiful, isn't it? I heard that it's baby boom in Latvia (and beyond). Well, dear mommies-to-be, here are some good ideas for names :) I think I'll call my daughter Nigdaleny-Yuleny :) And my son will be Osuin-Antonio :D
Back to my chiquitas. Since I can say that I know them pretty well, I can tell something more about them. It would take longer time to get to know them personally but since they have so much in common I can describe them as a whole.
I really love the mornings when they get up late and then it's a common situation that there are 5-6 girls combing their hair at the mirror in the hallway. I don't understand how they can see themselves in the mirror but the result is always flawless - hair is tightly pulled back and tied in a ponytail. It is the most popular hairdo - VERY tight ponytail so that their hair look very sleek :) Some girls are cooler and they have hair gels to make their hair more sleeker. Other use water. So they look like they have wet hair most of the time. When I braid their hair I have to be very strong and make the braid really tight otherwise they think they look tousled. One day one of the chicas saw my hair and rushed to comb my hair because she thought I had tousled hair :D The problem was that my hair wasn't sleek and pulled tightly together.
If we talk about clothes they rotate all the time. They borrow from each other regularly. And it's interesting that the little ones take clothes from the older girls and vice versa. They wash and brush their clothes VERY thoroughly - with a sharp brush. And they brush their clothes so often holes appear in them. And it's very normal that they wear these clothes with holes. Both big and little girls. When they arrived here for the first time it was so sad for me to see their holey clothes during check-up but now I understand the situation a little better. Holes doesn't mean the clothes are very old and worn out, they just have been washed thoroughly.
They are always hungry! You can't give them too much food. It's fantastic to see them by the lunch table. They all sit down, honestly sing the song, say a prayer and as soon as the last letter of "Amen" is said they grab the food  bowls and empty them in a second. Even though there is a laddle in every bowl they never wait their turn. They take their own spoons and draw as much as they can :D And then they get really big portions! And then 30 minutes later they approach me and ask me to sell them some cookies :D Those who have some money can by some snacks but many of them don't have any money. So they look for fruit in the trees. They climb the trees, try to knock them down with bamboo sticks and alleviate their eternal hunger. My snack shop is open at certain time. I don't sell them anything after 8:00 PM. Neither do I during afternoon siesta. And then they make puppy faces and tell me how hungry they are but it's not always true. And then I tell them to have some water if they're hungry. They think it's very funny advice. But they have started to use it themselves, they say with irony - Are you hungry? Have some water :D More about my snack business. I return to dorms after the kitchen has been cleaned up, it's around 6:30 PM. They I tell everyone that if they want to buy anything they have to come now of never: Compra aurita o nunca. And then they laugh when I say it. I ring the bid bell (metal tube with a metal stick) and announce it loudly so that everyone hears. And lately, when I enter the dorms some smiling faces await me and they ask me for permission to ring the bell and make the announcement. I allow them, of course. So each night there is someone else saying: Compra aurita o nunca : )
I mentioned once that they love to sing. And they do it powerfully and loudly! A Sundayschool group usually sings a song during Sunday evening service. And then during the following week all girls sing this song, it's their top song then! I have learned some of the songs already. I'll be able to perform in Latvia :D And it's becoming cooler and cooler to learn a song in English. The above mentioned Lady Laura is the most active singer - she knows 6 songs in English. The older girls are asking me to teach them "My Heart will go on", they have this song in Spanish here. I remember the chorus. They ask me to sing it time after time. I'm their radio :) Can anyone post the lyrics in the comments? I never have time to goggle them. (It's a really serious request :) )
It's interesting to watch how they change their "best friends". They always walk around in twos or bigger groups. And usually they hold onto each other tightly or hold their hands. But one day your best friend is Rosalia but the other day it's Wendy Len and so on... I have not figured out yet what causes this friendship change but it happens. Maybe it has to do with ability to borrow something from each other. They are VERY observant - they always notice if anyone has something new or different. If I take something to my room (I have to walk by 5 of 7 rooms in order to get there), all the girls carefully watch what I'm carrying. Some ask what have I got there, some ask if they can have it :) It happens every time I carry a letter or a parcel to my room. They know almost everything about each other. Informations spreads very quickly here through "wireless internet". If anyone has stomachache or they have seen the dentist, if anyone's parent had come to visit ad brought something tasty, if anyone has found some food somewhere, if anyone had a fight with their friend, if anyone got a bad mark and so on - everyone knows it. OK, I'm a little over-exaggerating saying that ALL girls know it, bet there are very few who doesn't know it. They know when I come and when I go. They see me from afar when I come home from school and greet me. And it's become more popular to call me Teacher Liene. When there are serious issues to deal with, I'm Profe Liene, when they simply want to greet me, I'm Teacher Liene. Even the little one have learned it even though they don't take English classes yet. Some girls call me Liene Dientes - they have given me a new last name which means Teeth in Spanish :D That's due to daily tooth check-up at night, of course.
They all are very, very responsive to jokes and laughter. Where you see several girls together, there is laughter. And they laugh about EVERYTHING! Only some of them need a special approach to make them laugh but I have found some ways :) And some of them even have a REALLY good sense of humor. The more my Spanish improves, the more our jokes :)
I wanted to mention some girls. Marina, for example. There was nice moment with her - I go to my room one night, she asks me to stop by her room because she wants to give me something. I wait and she comes out with a small bun. Her mom brought it during the day and she wanted to give it to me. I offered to share it with her because I know how much she would like to eat it but no - she saved it for me. Very, very sweet...
Then I wanted to say something about Mikaela. She was the "cocinera" this week - they main kitchen worker. And I get to spend much time talking, laughing, singing with the girls who have kitchen duty. And one day she and her helper Dalia (a really cool girl with a fantastic personality who makes me laugh all the time) come to me and want to give me a hug :) And they say that we're friends. Mikaela says - I have never had a grown-up girlfriend besides my mom... and that night when we walked to the dorms together Dalia put her hand on my shoulder un started to pray: Thank you God for Teacher Liene. Thank you that she gives us wisdom and helps us speak in English correctly :) So sweet! I wish I could describe Dalia's personality so you could understand completely what she is like... I have never met such person before. Velta says she's very interesting, too. I have not figured out yet if she's joking all the time or that's just the way she is that all her words seam to be jokes... whatever the truth is, it's always very merry to be with her.
When I talk about one girl another comes into my mind that I would like to tell about. I could tell you something special about all 60 of them. But I don't have so much time. There are other events to describe. I'll tell more about my chicas another day :) I sometimes wonder... maybe God is preparing me to have many, many daughters in my family :D If I'll survive with 60 girls them you can entrust me any other number :D

Thursday, April 7, 2011

End of March

I'm writing this on Sunday (March 27). Ondina and I went for a walk after lunch. Wonderful! We went to see Rincon cemetery. It was so interesting to read Latvian names on almost every cross and tomb stone... just think about it - I'm on the other side of the world but there is a small Latvia here... so we went to the very end of the airfield where the jungle start. We took a walk along a path in the jungle and came back home. Sun was hot, mosquitoes and other insect attacked us like crazy. One went into Ondina's throat. An Ayoreo passed us, he carried an ax and knife. I guess he went hunting. We found interesting bones, a huge bird's beak, different animal caves, ant hills in the trees. We passed a bamboo bosquet... the wind was blowing in such a way that I felt like I was in a birch bosquet when I closed my eyes. Ondina commented the cloud situation in the sky. And we managed to return home exactly when the thunder started to roar. Only when I walk outside the Rincon  center I start to really believe that I'm in the middle of Bolivian jungle. Otherwise I feel different, more civilized... a little :) Thank you to my friend Ondina for this precious walk. She has some other routes in mind, we'll take those on other Sundays.
If we speak about Ondina, I would like to mention the sweet words she told me today. When I came to Rincon a time of celebration started for her... because the daily schedule and business did what it did... I had managed to give some colors to mundane routines. And she said that when the time comes for me to leave she will tie me to a table so that I can't leave :D He he... I told her that in that case I will leave together with the table :D Oh my dear Ondina... one day last week she let me be a dentist. I had a real patient and I could try some of her devices. You know - at the dentist's office you just stare at those things they put in your mouth but you never get to hold those things. So I was very excited to do it. And I think I could fill a small hole :D Who would like to be my first patient?
Do you remember, I asked you to pray for the Brazilian couple who look after the boys dorms? The wife Fatima felt very bad emotionally and spiritually because they had so many difficulties. She started to fast - didn't eat anything, just had water. And she told God that she will eat again only when He gives a clear answer that they really need to be here. She prayed and fasted for 4 days. Her husband came to the meals very slowly and had a sad face. We worried about the so much. But on the fifth day they returned and they were smiling. God had answered! They will stay here till the end :) Thank God! And they really need your prayers. It's not easy. But God is with them!
Then I would like to say that I have a new duty. I managed to take on out of Velta's hands :) She always has some snacks in her room that girls can buy for few coins. You know - they're still growing and they really want to have something sweet. Meals are always very simple without any extras. So Velta didn't ever get a free evening because girls came to her room to buy come candy or cookies. Now the trade takes place in my room! I'm a saleswoman :) We're talking about a very small retail sale, of course, but anyway it's something new for me :) So now I have several girls in my room every evening who always carefully look at everything there is in my room :) Saturdays are my days off :D
Speaking about the insects - there is a new one. I was so surprised again. Another mix. The body was like cockroaches', but it FLIES! And the rear legs were like grasshopper's. Who knows how that could happen :D And it makes me sick when he moves his whiskers. Especially when he lands on my pillow next to my head. And cockroaches keep living in my closet :( And it might sound weird but I keep comparing them to my 60 chiquitas. The similarity is this - when it gets dark at night then you neither see or hear them. Bet when you turn on your flash light you learn that many hang out there. My girls do that sometimes. They go outside and look at the stars and moon, they talk and suck their mate tea. And I always have to lead them back to their rooms. I don't lead the cockroaches back to the closet though, I kill them. I can kill baby cockroaches with my bare hands. You get used to it.
Then it's interesting to me that EVERYTHING grows moldy here. I was shocked to find out that some of the clothes I hadn't worn for a while had mold on them them. My leather shoes grow moldy, my Bolivian money  grows moldy, so does every fruit that stays in my room for more than a day. The humidity affects everything. Now I understand why many keep their belongings in plastic bags...
I made banana jam yesterday :) I stood by a big, HOT stove for 2.5 hours stirring that yummy thing. Can you imagine that feeling - you're hot already and you have to stand by a stove... but you cant leave it, because if you don't stir it, it get's black. Have you ever made banana jam? VERY tasty!!!!! And banana sandwiches are great too. Who could have imagined that I would grow to love bananas...
Something cool happened last night. I walked into one of the girl's room. They were really tired. We started to talk. They asked me how did I decided to come here. Then I started to tell how it all happened. It was so interesting to remember all that, I hadn't thought about it at all here. So I talked and talked... and at one point I was thunderstruck by the fact that I really can tell the whole story in Spanish. And the girls listened so carefully and nodded to give me message that they understood. And I got so excited that I'm able to tell a story in Spanish. Usually I don't talk for a long time in Spanish. Just a sentence here and there. Turns out I can :) And this conversation with the girls was so great because I was able to tell them that God loves out big dreams, he loves that we pray in faith... and some other things :) And this conversation became a great "draft" for a conversation I had at the breakfast table this morning. Two doctor's had come to eat, they're here to treat the local people. They asked me how I got here. And then I had a great chance to tell them! Praise God that he gives me enough wisdom to put together logical Spanish sentences. Sometimes I feel that I put words together in wrong order. But they understand me somehow :)
Before I finish I wanted to share an idea. Maybe you, dear Latvians, could do something nice. You could get a nice postcard of Latvia and send it to the same address where you send letters to me but write there cards for my friends Velta and Ondina. A greeting from Latvia would be something VERY special to them. Just write that you pray for Rincon, that you keep them in your thoughts and support them morally. It would make them very, very happy! So, their names are: Velta Kagis and Ondina Kremplina! If you could do that, it would be really excellent! Thank you! And seams like I will be flying to Corumba next week! Yes!! May God bless you abundantly! As much as He blesses me!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Thank you!

My dear supporters! I wanted to say thank you from all my heart that you are with me! I can't even put into words how much I appreciate your prayers. I know that God really listens. The heat I was afraid of before I came here is not so bad after all. Physical tiredness quickly goes away and new strength arrives so I can continue to do everything that I need to do. My Spanish is getting more and more fluent. English classes at school are starting to show some results. My health is great! My flesh has suffered though, I have an ulcer on my arm because I burned my arm when I made banana jam, and I got a raw spot on one of my fingers after doing laundry (manually), another finger has a cut by knife, my legs are sunburned and the mosquito bites have become big and itchy... that's not the nicest view, I use a white ointment on the bites... but that's not important. I will not be able to take my flesh to heaven after all. The most important thing is that God renews the inner being again and again. And there are some other things I asked you to pray for in Latvia that are being answered. Sometimes I get emotionally tired but I believe that it's temporarily and humanly...
And I wanted to thank those who came to my goodbye party in Riga. And thank you so much that you wrote me letters that I can open here on certain dates. For some letters the due date has arrived and that's a great joy! The first one was from Eliza, I opened it when I had been in Rincon for a month. She wrote golden words there - that she would fit here very well and that we could handle those "indians" with double power :) I loved the first sentence from my little brother: You are crazy :D And I was very encouraged by his drawing - four sacks. Each one of them had a label on them, they are thigs my brother thought I'd need here: Patience, Peace, Heart to share and Joy. EXACTLY!!! It's what I needed. I had to open his teller on March 12 which is his birthday. March 16 was Ansis' birthday and he, too, wanted me to read a letter on his birthday. He asked me to sing him a Happy Birthday song in Spanish. Ansis, I did it! I didn't sing it VERY loudly, but I sang it :) Valters wanted me to open his letter in his birthday too :D (I love that the boys have a similar logic!) He really enlightened me with a drawing where you can see Liene with a spear and next to her lies a wild pig that she had killed :D Well... there are pigs here... the Ayoreos have different weapons, too... I guess I should start to hunt. Thank you to Inguna for awesome lines of poetry:
My dear, beautiful Liene
Even in Bolivia you are not alone!
And when a day goes by,
You're not standing like a wall.
You don't get tired doing good works.
The big, the small, the tall, the short,
May God let you hug them all.

I can't wait to open the other letters! Oh, and then I was excited to read a letter I, Sandra and Agrita wrote FIVE years ago. That was so interesting... I encourage you to write letters to yourself in future! In five years it will very interesting to read them.
Letters definitely rule! I can't wait for Tuesday to come. I hope pastor will have time to go to the post office again. I'd like to hope that something is waiting for me there... :) Thank you!