Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cuñada, mamii and madrina

These three words describe different relationships. I have something to say about each one of them. First one -- cuñada. It’s sister-in-law. Some of the 6th and 7th grade girls started to call me so lately. Why? Because they looked at my little brother Karlis in my Latvia pictures and they liked him a lot. They asked me to introduce them to him... and they are willing to get married to him. And then I’d become their cuñada. :D Second word -- mamii. That one is clear -- it’s mommy of course. One night when I had checked all girls and admitted that they are clean I walked through all the rooms again to remind them to be quiet and wish them sweet dreams. The youngest girls who sleep next to my room told me: Buenas noches, mamii! (Good night mommy!) Wow... I didn’t expect anything like this... so sweet... I’ll be honest with you -- I almost had a half tear in my eye... Our yongest girl Rosa (Rosita) sleeps there and she is only 6... once in a while she runs to me, hugs me tightly and calls me mammii... oh, poor little thing... both of her sisters are here too, they are a little older than her, but she misses her mommy of course... I happily hug her again and again! Madrina. This word doesn’t describe a relationship but it’s a word that is given to the senior class’ special teacher. Each class picks a padrino or a madrina. It’s a person who’s picture is put in the same frame with the senior class’ and school principal’s pictures that later hangs in the teacher’s room. It is a person who the senior class has chosen to be with on their graduation day... so on Father’s day when the girls and I were sitting and watching football they suddenly asked me: Profe Liene, would you like to be the madrina of our class? And I didn’t know what to say... of course I would like to! A lot! But the graduation is in October... and I won’t be here anymore :( The girls are saying that I have to return... and I didn’t know how to respond... I would LOVE to do it! It is a huge honor that they asked me something like this! And I would love to take this honorable role... but I guess I won’t be able to do it. Only if I happen to be under money rain and then I could return here in October for their graduation :) Actually I’m having the hardest time with this class in English because they feel and are big. But they don’t like that they have big requirements in english class even though their knowledge is very poor... but I have to teach them from 12th grade book. It’s a very complicated process. I’m trying to use different approaches and methods with them but it’s so hard to break the ice. Finally the ice broke a little today. It was a huge satisfaction both for me and them! Pray, that during this short period of time while I am working with them they can learn SO, SO much.. that they really would have a good English foundation to build more knowledge on it :) Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE to work with them? I guess more than once. I have different issues... sometimes they cheat on tests, copy other student’s homework, lie and do all other things that happen at school, but I like it anyways!
Sometimes I feel down. There are moments when I get bored and I want some change. But I thank God -- I have many fantastic promises in my head and my Bible that help me cheer up and go on. And there are many things that give me joy, strength and energy. For example, the beautiful Samuel’s and Panfila’s love story, walks on the air field, awesome cheese and banana pies I learned to make, the total mess girls make when they mop the floors because they mop themseves too -- they roll on the floor, sit in the sink and rub themselves with Omo :D I’m delighted that all girls learned to sing “Open the eyes of my heart” with great excitement! I can’t complain about boring life because there is a bat that falls from the ceiling, tarantula that I managed to smash with a bowl, crazy night-moth who tries to crash me and grasshoppers that jump around. I’m fascinated by the village life where everyone knows everything about everyone. Everyone notices when someone leaves or passes them by. They know where you are at any given moment. And who knew - it’s contagious! I have started to notice better what happens around me. And the girls ALWAYS notice when I go somewhere or change my location or I’m carrying something etc...
Oh, I forgot to mention the phenomenon after Father’s day football. Since the sun was shining my white flesh became red, of course. And it seemed like I was again in my first week here when they were so surprised to see my white skin. Now they were staring at me because Profe Liene was red :D Even two teachers took a photo of me :D Today they said that Profe Liene is brown :)
And I loved that one day Ondina announced that I’m not complicated :D It’s supposed to be a very good characteristic :)
And I loved that one day a British biologist with two Bolivian helpers came here and stayed for couple of days. They came here to research some plants. We met at a moonlight night by Rincon’s gates. I could immediately tell by his “face” that he is not a local, I was able to help him find the right house. The following day he asked what my nationality is because he was sure I’m Canadian or American. We had a nice conversation and then he left to look for some new plant species.
Life goes on! I’m still very grateful for every day, for this place and this time. Please, keep praying for Velta’s endurance and new helpers! We need to pray for a Brazilian couple especially who are looking after the boy’s dorms. They are having a hard time. They speak very little Spanish and they don’t have any children so it’s a bit complicated. But they are VERY needed here. Let’s pray that they too can learn the language QUICKLY and understand the boys and the specifics about raising children in this area. They have a hard work to do. But God has a lot of strength that He can give them!
I’ll have to go to Corumba soon, because the 3 months since I entered Brazil will be over and my 3 month visa will expire. I’ll have to do something with my passport. I hope it goes well. And it will be good to change the environment a little! And then I will fly with the pastor on his tiny airplane :) It’s going to be an adventure! I have to run to check the feet and teeth! :) May God bless you abundantly! And most importantly -- believe in big things!!! :) God is able!
WOW, I managed to attach some pictures! One is with me and Velta, we baked those pasties. The other one is of me and my youngest Rincon friend Valerie!

Father's day

March 19 and 20 was celebration - Father's day! And "party" is exactly what I needed. The usual schedule is of high value of course but I as a little creative and sometimes spontaneous person longed for something different - and there it was! And it was so beautiful! On Saturday we were supposed to have a show for all fathers and then a football game. It rained a lot the day before and in the evening you could see more dark clouds gathering in the sky which meant it will rain even more. Rain cancels everything here. The kids looked forward to having this celebration so much because they had a chance to see their parents. If it rains, the roads become impossible to drive... so no one could come. Some girls started to cry even before Saturday because they understood what rain would do. Some adults started to complain that the holiday won't be a success. But I had faith that everything should go as planned! And already on Friday I thanked God that there will be no rain on Saturday and all events will will be successful! And God took my little prayer of faith and turned it into a big, great, sunny day when not a single rain drop fell. Neither did it rain that night so parents were able to go home on quite dry roads. Some rode bicycles, come horses, some walked (those who lived closer - in about 15 or 20km (9-12miles) distance).
Saturday started with breakfast as usually when Velta told me I have to try a new dish. OK, immediately started to eat it. Name - Pataska! It's something between a soup and porridge with corn, some type of meat and it all was in mild brown tone. I ate it and declared it to be good. It's good that they told me afterwards what the soup was made of. If I had known it before I might not have eaten it :D So this traditional Bolivian breakfast dish is cooked this way: they take a whole cow's head and put it in a pot. The head just as it is with everything that's inside :) They boil it under the brain and all other goodies separate from the bones... then they add corn, some spice and eat happily. Tough, isn't it? :D Ondina looked for a piece of tongue especially for me :D I didn't ask for extra bowl of soup...
Then there was a beautiful concert where children performed songs, poems, dramas and gave speeches. And if I ever thought that I read poetry quite expressively and beautifully then I have to admit that my skills are pretty dim :D  How these Bolivians read poems! Oh my! They have such mighty voices, pain, expression, posture, confidence and you add motions to all that! They show everything the poems text says also with their hands and bodies. Amazing and very powerful! The concert took an hour and everyone was standing this whole hour  - as they always do in school's big events. Only fathers were able to sit on special festival chairs - blue plastic :) I remember how we couldn't sit still during school's official events. We wanted to shuffle. But these Bolivians stood still this whole hour! What a discipline! Unfortunately some dads couldn't come so come children had some tears in their eyes... but they all stood brave! Then an unusual act of honoring took place - all fathers (present and future) stood in front of us and then ALL students, teachers, parents, guests went and shook hands with them. That's about 200 handshakes per father - great tradition! When fathers and teachers finished eating the huge blue Father's day cake then students put on their uniforms and hurried to the football field where someone had already marked the lines with ashes and boys had removed all the cattle's brown "cakes" :) The long awaited football competition between grades could start. Of course, almost all Rinconians had come to watch the game. And the coolest thing was that teacher Erlin had found big speakers that ran by a big battery so we had music during all games! I'd say it was real club music :D Shakira sang her Waka waka song every 30 minutes. And to my surprise I suddenly heard Russian language. What's that? Tatu girls were included in the soundtrack with their song "Ya soshla s uma"... I didn't know what to do - to laugh or cry :D So I better laughed. It was so good to hear loud music. I know, I know - I should listen to the sounds of nature and listen to silence etc... but sometimes I want something rhythmical and smooth... and loud! OK, but Bolivians really know how to play football! Although my big brother recently wrote me that Latvians beat Bolivians in football recently the youth here play football with unseen passion and energy! In Latvia middle school girls usually only walk on the field :D (I'm speaking based on my middle school experience) But these girls run until they're burnout and they fight till the end! There was also an adult team from neighboring village of Bokaina - wow! They had practiced a lot and made our Rincon men look weak. They made many breathtaking combinations on the field. And I can say that I had never watched a football game with such interest! Beautiful! Besides convincing feet and ball combinations I was enlightened by the things that happened on and around the field during and between games. For example, during one break a HUGE pig momma came to the middle of field with 5 or 6 piglets. suddenly she fell on the field and all the piglets started to "eat" their mommy. What a beautiful and impressive feeding process - everyone was amazed! This show is definitely better than cheerleaders they sometimes let out on the field for the sake of entertainment :)
At the end of the day Ondina and I went to the field again to watch the rise of full moon and it's dialogue with clouds. Big cows had gathered before us who calmly chewed their food, grasshoppers made their sounds and you could also hear a choir of frogs... but the sky... fantastic! Wow, who would have thought that looking to the sky can be so exciting? Ondina has taught me a lot about watching the sky and I think that there is still much to learn. When I was in Riga I rarely looked at the clouds. Now sky is my movie theatre!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The countable and uncountable

When you live life in such limited environment as I do you start to take notice of different things, you start to count. For example, I count how many pens I have used :D I count how many toothbrushes and toothpastes I have used, how many times I have "shopped" at Rincon's shop, how many Sundays I have spent here, how many Sundays I still have to spend here, how many cakes we have had, how many times I have used the internet... how many times I have visited Ondina's dentist's office, how many times I have had an apple (two!), how many times I have had something that tastes like chicken (three!), how many times I have worn something... and some other things... I don't notice these things in Latvia. I guess since the circulation of information is so limited here, all these things gain a different value.
But there are so many things that are uncountable. For example, how many times I am greeted by my girls again and again. I can't count how many mosquitoes I have killed. Mosquitoes and different other tiny living creatures. Uncountable are all the plates, mugs, forks, knives, spoons and pots I have washed. I can't count how many times I have had to ask the same questions to my students in class until they remember what they need to know. Uncountable are the songs that have been sung by girls in dorms or kitchen. Also you can't count how many times it has been raining here. It happens so unusually often. I can't count how many cats are there in Rincon. Thousands! Mostly grey ones. And I laughed so much when one lady said that there are too many cats in Rincon and we should get rid of some of them :D They way she presented this idea was so specific... like you would plan to secretly blow up an atomic bomb :D I can't count how many frogs and toads  happen to be on my way when I walk through grass in the evening and make this loud noise during the night. And I don't know the number of all God's blessings that flow from Him without ceasing! He blesses Rincon with critically important rain that didn't rain in this time of the year in previous years. So it's not SO crazy hot as it is usually in this time of the year ( it's only 28-32C (82-90F)). We are blessed that we always have something to eat even though we happen to have some issues in this area once in a while. I want to thank God for health and endurance. The blessing s are uncountable as are the stars in Rincon sky :) But I want to count then every evening again and again...

Hello my dears!

I'm sending you all, all my love! And it is BIG!
Life goes on in Rincon. I'm doing very good. This week was very, very joyful! Pastor went to the post office finally and brought me THREE parcels - one from my big brother, one from my sister and on from my sister's mother-in-law. What a joy that was! Wednesday was my happy day. My excitement was bigger than I have ever had at Christmas or birthdays. I received so many loving words and useful things. I would like to highlight some things - I finally have a good Spanish dictionary that will improve my life significantly. And I got some chocolate! First piece I took felt like a little piece of Heaven... it was so good :) I'm saving it now so I can have  bite every day :) And I finally got a new charger for my video camera. I think I burned the first one with Bolivian power. Now everything is ok and I was making videos today. First shot was very educating... I will show it only to those above 18. Of course, it has something to do with the love processes here in Rincon :D This time the story is about turtles who live in one of Rincon's courtyards :)
And I had a great joy when the fantastic principal Panfil gave me a phone card that let me call my family in Jelgava through the satellite phone. And I got to speak to mom, dad and little brother. In the first moment mom and I just exchanged shouts of joy because we couldn't believe that this phone call is for real! It was so nice to talk to my loved ones! I have been here in Rincon for 2 months, I've been away from Latvia for more than 2 months. Gradually everything that has to do with home and Latvia gains more and more value. Although it is something invaluable in itself....
What else? It's interesting that as I become closer with the girls they start to show their characters - they become more genuine. And I simply love them more and more! But it was interesting to see that a girl from 12th grade got offended by me and didn't talk to me for a day. Next morning I found out that it was because I gave her a bad mark at an English test... And that's why she thought that Profe Liene is bad and decided not to talk to me anymore :D But we agreed that it is better to talk and use this opportunity that your English teacher lives in the same building and you can ask her for help regarding English classes. Now Ana Isabel talks to em again and greets me with a smile.
Tooth brushing has become smoother. They "smell" from a distance that Liene is coming and they'll have to brush and show their teeth. So the check up goes quicker. I have added feet to the check up because some of them wanted to go to bed with muddy feet. So now I check both teeth and feet of 60 girls at 8:15PM before they go to bed. Of course we have some "issues" - they hide under the bed, eat toothpaste to get fresh breath, some of them hide in the closet or bathroom. But since they know everything about each other - I easily get to find out where is the missing girl and see their feet and teeth! This process usually continues until 8:30PM when the lights go out. Then I spend another 15 or 20 minutes walking through the rooms and  making sure they really go to bed. They love to sneak out and visit other rooms. So I have to discipline them a bit. Sometimes they make a party in the hallway, they suck mate - it's the coolest way how to spend your free time here. Mate is a tea from tiny pieces of tea leaves, they put it in an interesting horn with a metal "straw", pour cold water over it and pass it around and suck. It cool :D But it's not allowed when the lights are off. Therefore I have to help them remember the rules.
Sometimes they get offended by me but they love Profe Liene after all :D because in the morning they greet me with a smile and they keep greeting me 5-7 times a day. I'm telling you - you would love them too!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Someone asked for my address so I'll publish it again.

MS 79301-970

I'm writing this on March 11. It has been a wonderful Friday. There was a bat in my room yesterday and you can imagine how I dealt with it... and I was walking on the Rincon airfield last night... that was so beautiful... I'm doing very good. Everything is OK! Im so happy God listens to my prayers and give me strength, joy, energy, endurance for all things in all times! May it continue!

My sister Nature

I guess I will never stop wondering about the unsuspected elements of my "big sister"... always when I think that I have gotten used to all the insects and reptiles something new happen. This week was no different. For example, I saw an insect that was half ant, half wasp! Seriously! Size and colors like of a wasp but the body as of an ant... so weird... who knows what the insects do when the lights are out...
Then an insect was visiting my room that looked like a butterfly but had 8 legs. And his tail looked like that of a fish - it was split. He stayed in my rooms for 2 days. Now the body has disappeared, only the wings remained. I know it might sound like science fiction but I see these things every day!
I actually love to "sit" in my bathroom when it's dark, because I can see all the corners with my flashlight then - there is always a new guest. Yesterday there was a green, green frog on my wall as big as the palm of my hand. And not like the ones in Latvia! But Bolivian kind - with little balls at the end of each toe. And have have no idea how it gets here because my doors and windows are always shut. I guess thy find and invisible hole. When I had looked at the green frog I noticed a big, fluffy tarantula by the door. I shivered and jumped into my bed praying God that it wouldn't crawl into my bed. And God listened to my prayer :)
Then one day I was doing the dishes after breakfast in the kitchen. There were so many flies that dat. Mosquitoes had disappeared and flies had arrived. So I was standing there and fighting off the flies and then I felt something else was touching my toes. I looked down... aaaaaaaaah! I screamed like a girl - there was a snake! OK, it wasn't very big but it doesn't change the fact there it was a snake at my feet! Velta immediately ran to save me with a shovel and a broom. She said it was so called blind snake. And you will never guess where it got it's name! Because she really is blind :D It took some effort to get this incomprehensively moving creature on the shovel. And then quickly, quickly to the stove. That's where her life ended. And I thought - what a pathetic life, isn't it? No legs, no arms, not even eyesight... and you have to die in fire. Brr... Thank you God for legs, arms and eyes! :)
And I want to say a big, big Thank you to God for answering prayers! And I would really encourage you to pray in FAITH! Even a little prayer with a great faith can become true immediately. Example from my life. One day Ondina came to lunch feeling really bad and she wasn't smiling at all. It was so different than the Ondina I know. Her blood pressure was high which is very rare. But she had to continue fixing kid's teeth in the afternoon. She went to take a nap. I told God a little prayer but with faith. I thanked Him that after the nap Ondina will be able to stand up and feel a lot better. I just believed that God will do it. And do you know what happened? Around dinnertime I saw the smiling Ondina and she said how surprised she was to feel so much better. She took the nap and when she woke up she felt like nothing had happened. God listens. And God loves when we believe what He will do! Therefore, my dears, send God faith filled prayers not whining and doubtful ones. God is a mighty God and He loves when we realize His mightiness :)
It seems unbelievable that I have been away from Latvia for 2 months already. By the grace of God I have been able to endure so far even in times when I want to have a pitty party... In those moments I find a way how to fight off the sadness. For example, I go to visit some of the girls. Even several minutes with them give joy and smile. They are like a walking adventure! For example, one they day ran to the kitchen and called: Profe Liene, Profe Liene! What happend? They had caught a miserable, tall legged chicken and they wanted me to take a picture of the, and the chicken :D They also wanted me to hold it and eat it :D But that didn't happen. They kept the poor bird under the bed and then it ran away.
One other day the took me in the middle of them to look closely at my skin and hair. One of them asked: Why are you so white? Don't you have any sun in Latvia? :)
I love them to death. And they are another big reason why I am here. To be a friend for them, to give them some attention and love... because usually no one has time for them. But they are so eager to spend time together... and they grasp every piece of attention. So every night I try to either sing with them, play Ligretto, show pictures or braid their hair. And I know that they all will stay in my heart when I leave...

I've got a feeling...

Highschool girls approached me one day and asked me to sing "igafeeng". I couldn't understand at all what they were asking of me, I said there isn't such word in English. And they tried to give a more precise word. It took me some minutes to understand what they want for me. Turns out they had heard Black Eyed Peas song "I've got a feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night" somewhere and they wanted their English teacher to sing it for them :D I sang the parts I knew and they have been asking me to sing it any time they see me with an empty mouth ever since then :D I'm their radio :D
And girls teach me some of their songs regularly. It's a great honor for them when I give them my notebook and ask them to write down lyrics for me. And then we sing together. One song is particularly beautiful... kind of stinging... and when they sing it with their fateful voices it almost makes me cry. 
I will try to memorize at least a verse so I can sing it to you in Latvia :) Many of them ask me to teach a song in English. And some of them actually sing good foreign tongue! I also teach songs in my classes - it makes it a lot easier to teach them pronunciation and new vocabulary. Some simply can't pronounce some sounds but we sing anyway :) All classrooms have windows on both sides and they are always open to make sure there is some fresh air. Doors are always open too so the whole school (9 classrooms altogether) hears what "the English" are doing. Teachers and children who pass by look in to see what "that white teacher" is doing again :D But I have to try everything to help them learn the language!
Last Sunday (March 6) was a wonderful day. After long days of rain that morning the sun was shining. Luckily we were able to get ready for church! (Due to the rain services had been cancelled). I wore a belt for the first time since I left Latvia (Latvia's girls know how much I love belts:) ) and I felt like I was in Latvia :D I loved when my chiquitas looked what's that around my waist :D The belt fashion has not come here yet. I guess I should introduce it :D
After the service we ate a chocolate cake we baked ourselves. They eat cakes only on special occasions but I found a good recipe in a Brazilian cookbook - Velta and I agreed that we have to bake it because Sunday is also a day for celebration after all. Ondina was surprised why we are having on an ordinary day but it was worth it! We used instant coffee to make chocolate imitation and the cake was really good! Then we went to pastor's house because they told there was a package for me. What a joy that was - to receive a parcel from the outside world!!! I want to say a big thank you to Janie who sent me some really valuable and useful things. It was a great event - how I took it to my room, how I carefully opened it and enjoyed every component. I was so happy!
I went to Ondina in the afternoon to show her my Latvia pictures I had taken with me. I had a really good time. I learned so much about Ondina when I showed her my pictures :) She is so awesome. My best Latvian friend in Rincon. Velta is like Rincon's grandmother (that's what the locals call her) and Ondina is my best friend. There are no more Latvian ladies. And now I understand that on of the reasons God sent me here is to be here with these wonderful sisters not only my chiquitas from school! Actually my days are not as interesting as it might seem here. I just tend to see every day through more colorful glasses... That's why it is so important to encourage these ladies, joke with them... they are so important that's why it is so essential to make them smile and laugh once in a while. And that laugh is so special... not because it has a specific sound to it but because it's not everyday laugh. It is a great music that gives joy and energy to both themselves and the others :) So I gradually learn what was the reason God sent me here. And one of them is this ministry of presence. There is such term, isn't there? I can't remember if I came up with this term here or I heard of it before... But I really feel it is one of my missions! Rincon needs new, fresh, active, energetic and creative helpers!!! This "huge ship" in the middle of jungle is run by 4 grey-haired Latvians and few other missionaries, who need someone who would lift up some of the burden from their shoulders and help them look above the muddy land. They need  time and opportunity to lift up their heads and see the blue sky, golden sun and all other beauty. I speak both literally and figuratively here if you know what I mean... Let's pray for that to happen! :)
P.S. If anyone of you decide to come here I could find a room for you and make it cozy :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Indiana Jones, speakers and other goodies

As I have mentioned it before, life in the middle of jungle teaches you to value certain much higher than life amidst civilization. Last Sunday when I entered the church I was thrilled to see that there were speakers and music was playing!!! It is something very special because so far the only thing that played there was Velta's synthesizer. And now the light room was filled by happy worship songs in Spanish. And even the hymns had accompaniment from records. I deeply enjoyed the regular and successful combination of melody and rhythm!
On sunday night I was invited for a movie. I missed TV and movies so much. And my friend Ondina heard of it and she welcomed me in her home to watch a Sunday afternoon movie. While we waited for it to start (for about an hour) we checked other channels which didn't leave me indifferent. For example, have you seen a Tv channel where they sell ONLY cows or ONLY horses? :) We are used to TV Shop shows in Latvia, aren't we? So here we were entertained by watching how cows walk through meadows slowly and significantly swaying their hips. And they have no idea that someone looks at them as a potential purchase. Then we also watched a musical Brazilian show that was a mess! A quite chubby but very energetic middle-aged woman was hosting a samba show where everyone was singing, dancing, clapping hands and simply having a fun time. This woman was wearing a see through lace outfit and countless necklaces and bracelets. Ondina's comment was that it's just her style :) And I fascinated that there was a pastor at the show who is also a musician and he said that he is an evangelist. He was visiting the show and singing some Christial salsa songs. It was interesting to see that the nun who had come with the pastor was dancing side by side with a girl in a tiny Rio carnival outfit with glitters and feathers. Totally Brazilian! But then the long awaited movie started! We didn't know what to expect but it was something very suitable. A movie about South American jungle in 1936 - a perfect environment! And the leading actor was Harrison Ford. Of course, the movie was about Indiana Jones heroic adventures. And I was surprised how much I enjoyed the movie. I respect Harrison Ford a lot but he has never been my favorite actor. I think he is now :D Because he's the only actor I have seen here. Ondina gave me some nuts and we spend a cozy Sunday afternoon at the dear TV :) Actually it's really nice to watch TV with Ondina - she gives really good comments :D
Then I would like to mention one recent goodie - peanut butter! Awesome Don Fernando brought us a bad of peanuts. We roasted those peanuts and for the first time in my life I was watching how butter is squeezed out of peanuts by a special machine! I thought it came from a shop... but it turns out you can make it yourself! And we mixed it with honey from brother Harry's bees and had this unbelievably delicious spread we put on bread for breakfast. It's so tasty...
And if we have started to talk about food, something else under the same topic. Kristine asked me in a comment if I'm eating bananas. And the time has come when I can solemnly announce that I'm really eating bananas! Some of you may think: what a miracle! everyone eats bananas in Latvia :D But it is a miracle in my case because I never voluntarily eat bananas. I don't like them. But now I have to speak in Past tense - I didn't like them. Now I'm even very happy when brother Harry brings a bunch of bananas to kitchen and hangs it on a nail with a big wire so that everyone can take some for a snack. They taste here differently - they are a bit sour... at least it seems like they are. And baked bananas are a heavenly treat! But you have to thoroughly rub the pans because they always are burnt but it's worth it. Bananas are the only fruit we get here... that's why I have learned to love them. 
And the last story about food. Unfortunately they don't grow any vegetables here anymore. They used to but not anymore. Pastor brings them once a week on the plane. But due to many reasons he couldn't go to the city for 2 weeks. And those were not easy weeks. Of course, we all are thankful  for daily beens and rise but when it's all you eat for 2 weeks it gets a little... boring. We made salads form pasta to bring something different to the table :) When the pastor finally went to the city I had hallucinations for several days because all the motor sounds seemed like that of an airplane. I and all others waited for some veggies. And it finally came... oh... cucumbers and tomatoes have never been SO enjoyed like at the first dinner...
These and other little things give very much joy and color our days!

Friday, March 11, 2011


I've been thinking about writing something about Velta for a long time. So I finally did it. Have you ever read The Book of Proverbs in The Old Testament of The Bible? Very exciting and educating reading material. The last chapter tells about a Super-turbo-woman. Men (I suppose) read it and wish they could marry her. Women read it and think it's not possible. If anyone hasn't read that chapter yet I suggest you read it now before you continue with my story.
It tells about a lady who, it seams, never sleeps but takes care of her family - she is active all the time, runs errands and works hard. I have also thought that it's simply impossible for a ordinary mortal woman. But it turns out it IS possible! I work with a such Superwoman day by day shoulder to shoulder. I'm talking about Velta, of course.
Her day starts at 4:30 AM when she has a quiet time, then she puts on special socks for veins slowly and carefully. They help her endure the long day when she has to stand or walk all the time. Then around 5:15 she goes to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast. At 5:40 she wakes up the girls. And then the work begins... She has so many duties... (Im taking a deep breath now to be able to list all she does.) She gives chores to girls in the kitchen, she gives products, instructions, recipes, advice, keeps an eye on their work. She checks the work in laundry house - makes sure the right clothes are washed, dried, ironed and fixed on the right time. She makes sure towels, curtains, clothes, bedding is resown, mended and patched. She's the saleswoman at mission's shop "Bolicho" where she works 3 times a week. She also works at the drustore, which means she takes care of all the sick people. And then there is a new law that school supplies can't be sold at the school premises. So we had to move all the books and school supplies to the drugstore... so Velta has to sell those things too. Then she leads evening devotionals for girls every night at 7:00 PM. On Sundays Velta is playing hymns on the synthesizer at both services and she also teaches a Sundayschool class. There is a copy machine in Velta's room so local people come to her and ask to copy different documents. She has to make sure all the girls always know their chores, have necessary medicine if they're sick, she has to be their mother and everything else. She has to lead a prayer and sing a song before the students eat, she has to make sure the older kids don't take smaller kids' food and vice versa... and many other things I can't write down... Velta is doing something all the time! And if my memory is right there is a law of conservation of mass in Physics, isn't there? You know, there is a law of conservation of work too! It's the one that works in Velta's hands. If I ever manage to take any task away from her, her hands find a new duty. Her most used question is ¿Que mas? (What else?). Very often she looks what is happening around and asks herself - what else is there to do? And you might thing I'm talking about a 30 year old woman who has so much energy that she can run all the time. No, we are talking about a lady who celebrated her 75th birthday few weeks ago. She seriously needs a leg surgery - doctor said it a long time ago. But, in order to do that she has to be able to lay down for 30 days after the surgery, no walking. And that is simply unthinkable... She admits herself that she couldn't live doing nothing for so long. And there isn't a 30 day period when we could manage without her care.
Velta is sick now - she has a flu. She's heavily coughing, has a runny nose and she walks around with muscle aches. My hearts breaks when I se how hard it is for her sometimes. But she NEVER complains! And that's the most amazing thing! Her love for work, care, hardworking spirit, determination and faithfulness are simply amazing! I do what I can to make her days easier. I'm asking you to pray for Velta. Pray for her legs and arms too because she has severe pain in her arms lately. Rincon needs her SO MUCH. Let's pray that God gives her the strength to serve for as long as she has to. And let's pray that someone comes to Rincon to take many of her duties. And I hope I will be able to take away some of her tasks :) Sometimes I manage to send her home, for example, when I know that I will be able to prepare everything for lunch with the girls that have kitchen duty that day. And those are those happy times when I have managed to give Velta a little rest... Thank you to God for her effort and love!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Oh, love, love...

You can see different love processes in nature lately. During the night a bull was calling a cow. She responded. He called her again... maybe he wanted her to come to him. The cow responded but didn't go to him. Then the bull called again... but at some point the cow stopped responding... and then the bull spent long hours suffering because his loved one didn't come to this night... at least it seemed like he had a sad voice. Then the dogs also have a "friendship" period. There is a dog gang as big as the wolf gang from Twilight :D There is a leader - Meninu who suddenly has become interested in all the dog girls of our courtyard.
Cats are also unusually active and watch each other and look for "contact"... I'm sorry for being so straight but even flies are busy reproducing!!! Butterflies fly around in big, colorful crowds... a spider hugged a cockroach... It's no surprise that the local youth is actively looking for communication with the opposite sex too if everything around you does it already!
One day Velta revealed some interesting things to me. Since there are still some bachelors in Rincon household who are not 20 anymore, but they haven't lost hope, some of them became very happy when they heard that a young Latvian lady Liene will come here. Before I came they had discussed who will get to "talk" to me first :D They don't look at age so critically as we sometimes do in Latvia... and the most interesting thing is that director Panfil considered to offer me one of her two sons who is still single to make sure I stay in Rincon. That's actually a huge compliment from her because she is very exacting! But the latest news are that this son has decided to get married. And not to me but to an asian girl :) So there are no "threats" to me.
And one more love story. One a young guy came to work to Rincon, a Latvian descendant from The States. He spoke Latvian and English only. A bit later came a girl from Brazil who spoke Spanish and Portuguese only. Despite the fact that they didn't speak each other's language it was love from the first sight. Velta says that everyone noticed that they immediately fell in love with each other. They communicated using different signs and signals... I'd call it the language of love :) And 2 months later they got married here in Rincon! The bride borrowed the wedding dress from a local woman. Soon they went to The States and there the girl learned English. Now they live there. A special story, isn't it? :)
Generally I'm doing really good. It's raining a lot lately. Therefore my feet are brown/red all the time. But that's OK. I have my own fancy bathroom. I can get rid of all the dirt easily. I keep hitting, squeezing and in other ways destroying my lively room visitors. Last night I killed a big, black beetle under a plastic bowl. And I smashed a cockroach on my window, and two others on the floor with my foot. Actually I'm really proud of myself that my skills are improving :D I can't kill spiders yet though. I'm a bit more scared of them...
I'm learning and learning Spanish. Don Fernando talked to some people and said he was surprised that I have learned so much Spanish so quickly. I think it's nothing there, but I can talk about everyday stuff with my girls. My friend Ondina told me today that soon I will teach a seminar on how to brush teeth for all the students. The problem is that they are eager to eat sweets but they are very lazy to brush their teeth. Yesterday I walked through their rooms, asked them to brush their teeth and then breathe on me to check if they have done so. Some breathed a Colgate breath on me, the others went towards the sink ashamed. That's how we try to discipline them.
My English students keep "challenging" me to try new methods and approaches. And then I look for them. There are students who try to parody my Spanish phrases I use when someone is biting their hand or washcloth... my favorite phrase in those moments is the local word "Ai, Caramba!" Locals use it when they need to say something stronger :) And it usually works! Oh well, my time is over. I really value time nowadays...
And I really value the time  you spend to write me something. It really gives joy and strength and helps me continue my work! Thank you!!!

Criminal February 25th

I haven't written anything for a long time. It's February 28th already. There are always many, many smaller or bigger tasks to do, computer stays in the last place, internet even beyond that... that's how it is...
But February 25th was our dear Velta's birthday! She celebrated her 75th birthday! And I'd like to call this day criminal because I felt like a little criminal almost through all day :D Beginning from the early morning -  I got up at 5:20 before all the girls to wake them up and help them sneak out of the dorm through the back door. At 5:40 or 5:45 Velta returns from the kitchen and goes to ring the morning bell. So we had a plan to be awake before the morning bell and in a totally different place. We sneaked out behind Velta's back. She rang the bell and we ran to her from the rear and sang Compeanos Feliz (Happy Birthday). Velta was really surprised and happy. And it was a great adventure for girls, too! Profe Liene involved the girls in one more exciting crime :D I robbed the kitchen during the day... The thing is that girls wanted to bake a cake for Velta but they didn't have any products. So I secretly sneaked into the kitchen and delivered all the ingredients to them, then I watched if Velta is not coming to kitchen while the cake was baking. Then we secretly brought the cake to my room, which was risky because Velta was few meters away from my door. Then few girls came into my room to decorate the cake. Then late in the evening I had to find candles and organize the presenting of the cake. It all went really well. Velta was truly happy and joyful. And my conscience became clear again. If the crime is committed due to a great cause then I become justified. At least it seemed so this time.
I'm running to have dinner, good-bye!

Greater needs

I'm going to say really straight what Rincon needs the most! As I said earlier, money and supplies are not the most necessary thing, it's PEOPLE! What kind of people they need now:
1) An active, quick, creative and hard working woman who could be responsible for kitchen work (Velta is currently doing it).
2) A married couple who'd live in boys' dorms and keep an eye on them, give them their daily chores, lead devotionals (Pastor Samuel and his wife are currently doing it).
3) A capable, active, strict but also very kind and friendly sister who'd take care of girls' dorms - give them signals when to get up, go to school, do chores, someone who'd assign chores to girls and lead evening devotionals, check the tidiness of rooms, help with their homework etc... (Velta is currrently doing it).
4) A pastor who'd take care of spiritual needs. Pastor Samuel is doing it currently, but since he is also a teacher and he's looking after the boy's dorms and managing the whole mission... he has very little time to take care of spiritual needs. Several Brazilians visited Rincon the other day, a wonderful pastor Luiz with his wife among them, we hope they will live here. They are thinking about it... let's pray they really do it!
5) A person who'd be responsible for Sundayschool work. Pastor's wife would be great for this position. Pastor Luiz was here with his wife who'd be great with children. May God let them return here for a longer period of time. They also speak Spanish which is really good!
6) A person who'd faithfully take care of all the livestock. When brother Fernando worked here everything was good. Now local Ayoreos are taking care of the livestock, and they often forget about their duties, they take a nap or go fishing, but they always remember to pick up their salary on Saturday. Since livestock is very important here, they need someone who could look after them, manage and take care of them.
7) A woman who'd be responsible for laundry room. I don't know if there's another name for that house - it's a place where they do laundry, sow, repair and iron. They also need a faithful and hard working person in charge of that (Velta is currently doing it).

Those would be the biggest available positions. Of course they have some smaller positions available, too. But if there was someone who'd take care of these greater needs, they'd have time to do the little tasks as well - like all the missionaries are doing here already. My dear Latvians, Americans, Brazilians and all others - maybe you know someone who'd like to take some of these great, important responsibilities which are of great value? Maybe some of you can come and help here yourselves? ;) May God be with this message and let it be read by the right people at the right time. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few... all these responsibilities ensure the existence of this mission, church and school, hundreds and hundreds of children have heard about God and the greatest gift of all time - His Son here... this work has to continue! May God let it happen!

Don Fernando

For several weeks I heard locals speak that Don Fernando is going to come to Rincon. I had no idea who he is, but it seemed that it has to be a really good thing because everyone was so happy he is coming here. And then during a dinner time the doors opened and HE walked in - Don Fernando. Tall, well-built man who had almost white hair. He looked at me because I was the only one he didn't know in the room. So I said my name. He asked me in Spanish where I am from. I said that I come from Latvia. And then he asks me in Latvian: Are you from Riga? WOW, why no one told me earlier he's Latvian? :) We had a good conversation. He said about me: You are the Long Awaited One :) And immediately I had someone to talk to. Usually I spend all meals in silence because by my right sit two Brazilians who don't speak Spanish. And I don't speak Portuguese. By my left sit all three gentlemen - Latvians Harijs and Janis who don't hear very well. If I want to ask anything I have to speak pretty loud and clear :) And usually there is brother Romans at the table - an Ukranian. A really nice brother, one of those who works all the time. So I usually sit with these 3 gentlemen who are 70 and older and 2 Brazilians who are usually silent. Sisters Velta and Ondina are with the kids during meals, they join us when you already see only dirty plates around... That's why I was so happy that Don Fernando sat at our table! He is Fernands Apse and he came to Brazil with his parents when he was 4. Now he's a grandfather with a rich life experience. He lived in Rincon with his wife for 8 years, he took care of all the livestock in Rincon. Since he has to take care of his grandchildren, he has less time to come to Rincon. But I understand why everyone was so happy to see him. He is a very kind, loving man with a good sense of humor and he hears well which is not an insignificant detail. That night when we were cleaning up the kitchen and got ready to go to bed Don Fernando came in once more and gave me a little plastic bag and told me to hide it in my room. I later found out that there were 2 pastries and an apple. Apples are very rare here, so I'm saving that apple for a special moment, when I'll be really craving for it. Soft fresh pastries also seem very special. He is staying here for a week but seems like he has always been present and he's a part of everything that's going on here in Rincon. May God give many more people like him to Rincon!

Got a little tired

 It's Monday, February 21st. This was one muggy day. Hot, 7 English classes, mosquitoes and flies flying around you as if you were a carrion, wiping tables and doing the dishes 3 times a day... my flesh is a little tired as a result of it, my fingers are barely moving now as I write this message. But I have to use this time I can spend at the computer. Those English students are a real challenge for me. They seriously don't understand anything. Almost. And the dictionaries I can use here are ridiculously poor and useless. So I'm trying really hard  to be able to communicate with them. It is a little weird that I have to make such great effort to teach numbers and colors to high school students... there are some older boys  that simply can't pronounce, for example, number 13 correctly. I'm doing everything I can but they can't do it! That's why those 7 English classes on Mondays really drain me, but believe me - I REALLY like Mondays! And I like them more every week because I get to know them more and they understand me better and better. They are really cool, fun and loving kids.
Last time I tried to upload some pictures but I didn't succeed. The internet connection is very slow and I couldn't upload even a single photo. Hopefully, all of you have very bright imagination and you can see everything I'm telling you with eyes of imagination. Probably you won't see anything  from my world until July... but after then I will definitely be able to show you a lot of things :)
When I walked to my room several days ago it seemed like fire had broken out because smoke was coming out of every window and crack. I walked in expecting panic but I met several very joyful girls who were trying to make as much smoke as possible in their room. They were burning pieces of wood they found in the courtyard, including some planks from the fence :) There is a CRAZY mosquito season here because it's humid all the time, so the girls are making smoke to keep off the mosquitoes. As the local Latvians later told me, they, living in their palm shacks, are used to such lifestyle - in smoke all the time because very few people own mosquito nets. And smoke is the only thing that can keep off the mosquitoes in the jungle. And you have to fight them somehow because I have never seen so shameless mosquitoes anywhere. And I hope you never meet them! Velta gave me an interesting mosquito spiral. It's a green element you burn and it gives an interesting odor the mosquitoes dislike. You burn it before going to bed and then you can survive the night. It's a lot better since they put a door between my room and my bathroom. Because my bathroom doesn't have a glass window neither a net and before there was a door ALL Rincon's insects came to visit me. It's a lot better now but my tiny guests keep flying and crawling around me, of course! Girls are shocked when they see my insect bitten legs. You can't see them on their tanned skin but my legs are relatively white and these bites really stand out. But the locals give me every insect repellent they can find and it's getting better! And after all - if our God is WITH us then what can stand against us? :) 
Wow, miracles happen! I got to attach two pictures! Yesss! Now you see that I'm alive! One picture is with a tiger in the background and the other is with my super chicas!