Saturday, February 12, 2011

What I am eating

I have received an official question about my diet here. So I'll hurry to answer that :)
Breakfast is the same all the time. They have 3 pots - milk, tea, coffee. I always take tea. They have a home-made bread which is really tasty. They put either butter or something like condensed milk (an interesting brown, sweet home-made stuff) on the bread. There are some lucky days when they have cheese. Home-made of course. This write round cheese tastes simply salty. Locals put both the cheese and the condensed milk on their bread together. I haven't had the guts to try it yet :D For lunch and dinner we ALWAYS have rice, beans and simple pieces of beaf. Sometimes we have beaf liver. Before the school started there was a really good cook, she always made something in addition to the rise and beans, for example, she added some carrots or potatoes to the beef, made corn casserole or tamales (corn paste with cheese in corn leaves - really tasty!), we also had boiled palm tree cores and different kinds of salad. One day was a feast - we had chicken! I was so happy!!! Now there are some Brazilian ladies working in the kitchen, they're here for 2 weeks. So now we have just rise, beans, beaf and a salad. Great happiness is that every other day we have watermelon - they grow them here so they're really sweet and not genetically modified :) We try to make different juices ourselves, for example, from sesame seeds, watermelon, acerola berries etc. When we're out of time we make a cool-aid type of a drink. That's my diet. Seems like there's not much difference but since there is quite a long time between meals when you work really hard you don't have time to think that you're eating the same thing all the time. Then everything seems good and tasty. They try to make something different on Sundays. Then we have pasta days. And tomorrow is going to be really special because we will have lasagna! I can't wait! When we have some extra time (which doesn't happen often) we bake cheesecakes or make corn pudding or rise pudding for dessert. On Thursday nights we have a missionary meeting that is lead by a different person each time. This leader has to provide a snack for others. Day before yesterday was heavenly for we had chocolate cake. Oh my goodness how good... I'm really craving chocolate... I have few pieces left and I eat a little when there is a great desire. But by tomorrow or the day after my chocolate will be gone. Then I will be only able to dream about chocolate :D It's ok - I will eat that sweet breakfast cream and try to cope :) In general I'm well fed  and I'm happy that for the first time in my life I'm not able to eat after 6 PM :) Because there simply is no food :)
P.S. If anyone wants to delight me on Valentine's day Women's day or on any other special occasion I wouldn't deny a chocolate package :) Milk chocolate with nuts... mmm... And Lāču fruit bread... mmm... Maybe it wouldn't melt totally until it got here!

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