Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Got a little tired

 It's Monday, February 21st. This was one muggy day. Hot, 7 English classes, mosquitoes and flies flying around you as if you were a carrion, wiping tables and doing the dishes 3 times a day... my flesh is a little tired as a result of it, my fingers are barely moving now as I write this message. But I have to use this time I can spend at the computer. Those English students are a real challenge for me. They seriously don't understand anything. Almost. And the dictionaries I can use here are ridiculously poor and useless. So I'm trying really hard  to be able to communicate with them. It is a little weird that I have to make such great effort to teach numbers and colors to high school students... there are some older boys  that simply can't pronounce, for example, number 13 correctly. I'm doing everything I can but they can't do it! That's why those 7 English classes on Mondays really drain me, but believe me - I REALLY like Mondays! And I like them more every week because I get to know them more and they understand me better and better. They are really cool, fun and loving kids.
Last time I tried to upload some pictures but I didn't succeed. The internet connection is very slow and I couldn't upload even a single photo. Hopefully, all of you have very bright imagination and you can see everything I'm telling you with eyes of imagination. Probably you won't see anything  from my world until July... but after then I will definitely be able to show you a lot of things :)
When I walked to my room several days ago it seemed like fire had broken out because smoke was coming out of every window and crack. I walked in expecting panic but I met several very joyful girls who were trying to make as much smoke as possible in their room. They were burning pieces of wood they found in the courtyard, including some planks from the fence :) There is a CRAZY mosquito season here because it's humid all the time, so the girls are making smoke to keep off the mosquitoes. As the local Latvians later told me, they, living in their palm shacks, are used to such lifestyle - in smoke all the time because very few people own mosquito nets. And smoke is the only thing that can keep off the mosquitoes in the jungle. And you have to fight them somehow because I have never seen so shameless mosquitoes anywhere. And I hope you never meet them! Velta gave me an interesting mosquito spiral. It's a green element you burn and it gives an interesting odor the mosquitoes dislike. You burn it before going to bed and then you can survive the night. It's a lot better since they put a door between my room and my bathroom. Because my bathroom doesn't have a glass window neither a net and before there was a door ALL Rincon's insects came to visit me. It's a lot better now but my tiny guests keep flying and crawling around me, of course! Girls are shocked when they see my insect bitten legs. You can't see them on their tanned skin but my legs are relatively white and these bites really stand out. But the locals give me every insect repellent they can find and it's getting better! And after all - if our God is WITH us then what can stand against us? :) 
Wow, miracles happen! I got to attach two pictures! Yesss! Now you see that I'm alive! One picture is with a tiger in the background and the other is with my super chicas!

1 comment:

  1. Yah pictures!! You look wonderful! Thinking of you often. MUCH love! (Thank you Agrita!!)
