Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It BURNS! Or in ohter words - 3rd day in Brazil

All my body is burning like on fire! Ouch! I have spent one of the hardest nights of my life BUT I have a good explanation for that!
Yesterday we went on a trip to heavenly islands and beaches... we left Rio and went to a harbor town where we got on a boat that took us to FANTASTIC places! There was music playing, people sunbathing on the boat, all around us were breathtaking views you would never find in Latvia.We stopped to swim at the MOST beautiful beaches of my life. The water was turquoise blue, fish, turtles and dolphins were swimming around us. The sand was so white and warm! People around us were tanned and happy... Thiago was reminding us to put on more sunscreen all the time. And I did it several times, but my mistake was that my sunscreen was bought in Latvia and it was not strong enough for the Brazilian sun. Later that day my skin turned from snow white to lobster red. And it BURNS! I couldn't sleep all night. Thiago comforted me that the burning will be over in couple days. And then I will be black. OK, let it be!
Despite the red skin I'm still fascinated by Brazil! I guess I took another hundred pictures yesterday because the views on the boat and on our way home were breathtaking. Mountains, rocks, forests, valleys... and you can't help but look and think how GREAT is our God and how small are we...
On our way home we got in a really bad traffic. We drove 400m (440 yards) in 1.5 hours! Quite boring. And then we started to play games. For example, Who will make the funniest sound? or Who will think of a word that's not in a song? Our sun heated heads surprised us several times during our ride :D
But I'm very happy! The burning feeling will go away and I will be able to go outside again :)
I'm sending you HOT greetings from Rio ;)

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